The Active Citizens Fund is based on the principle of results-based management, which is why the expected results of the APF programme have been agreed with donor countries. They guide the preparation of call for proposals documents and the funding of projects.

These results are divided into five impact areas (outcome), with performance outcomes and indicators for each. The contribution of each funded project to the achievement of the jointly agreed objectives is of particular importance, through the planned project outputs (products and services produced by the project for a specific target group or project beneficiaries) and the expected impact (short or medium-term impact of the project on the specific target group or project beneficiaries).

Below you will find the areas of intended impact, performance and indicators of the Active Citizens Fund Programme in Lithuania.

Programme level results
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Strengthened civil society and active citizenship, empowering vulnerable groupsNumber of people involved in CSO activities (including staff and volunteers)
Number of directly funded CSOs180
Impact area 1
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact result
Increased participation of citizens in civic activitiesProportion of the target group (people whose level of participation you aim to change) that is more actively involved in civic activities (What is the percentage increase in the number of people in your project’s target group who have started to participate more actively in civic activities?)(+25%)
Number of users of digital tools promoting public participation in civic activities (How many people will use digital tools promoting public participation in civic activities?)40000
Number of people involved in consultations with public decision-makers (How many people will be involved in consultations with public decision-makers?)600
Performance result
Encouraging citizens’ participation in civic activitiesNumber of awareness-raising campaigns implemented by CSOs that have received funding (How many awareness-raising campaigns do you plan to implement in your project?)44
Number of volunteers working in CSOs that have received funding (How many volunteers will work in your organisation and, if relevant, in the partner organisation during the project?)1400
Citizens involved in public policy decision-making processes at national and local levelNumber of CSOs that involve citizens in public policy decision-making processes (How many organisations will involve citizens in public policy decision-making processes? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)33
Number of digital tools developed to promote public participation in civic activities and/or public policy decision-making (How many digital tools do you plan to develop to promote public participation in civic activities and/or involvement in public policy decision-making?)10
Strengthened civic educationNumber of partnerships between CSOs and educational institutions to strengthen civic education (How many educational institutions will be partners in the project to strengthen civic education?)10
Number of people informed about civil rights and participation (How many people do you plan to inform about civil rights and civic participation?)2000
Impact area 2
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact result
Stronger civil society oversight and advocacy of public authoritiesNumber of national policies and legislation influenced by CSOs (How many national policies and legislation will your project activities contribute to?)10
Number of CSOs using evidence-based research to support advocacy and policy-making activities (How many organisations will use evidence-based research in their advocacy and policy-making activities? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)22
Performance result
CSO propsals for public policyNumber of proposals made by CSOs to influence public policy, legislation, public policy decisions (How many proposals do you plan to make to influence public policy, legislation, public decisions?)44
Promoting transparency and accountability of public institutionsNumber of CSO monitoring initiatives to promote transparency and accountability of public institutions that have received funding (How many monitoring initiatives to promote transparency and accountability of public institutions do you plan to implement?)22
Number of campaigns to promote transparency and accountability of public institutions by CSOs that have received funding (How many campaigns do you plan to implement to promote transparency and accountability of public institutions?)15
Number of CSOs actively using media to expand advocacy activities (Which organisations in your project plan to actively use media to expand advocacy activities? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)52
Number of digital tools developed to promote public participation in civic activities and/or public policy decision-making (How many digital tools do you plan to develop to promote public participation in civic activities and/or involvement in public policy decision-making?)10
Cross-sectoral CSO cooperation strengthenedNumber of joint advocacy initiatives carried out by CSOs that have received funding (How many cross-sectoral advocacy initiatives do you plan to carry out?)6
Impact area 3
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact results
Increased support for human rightsNumber of national policies and legislation influenced by CSOs (How many national policies and legislation will your project contribute to?)10
Proportion of the target group expressing support for human rights (By what percentage will the number of people in the target group of your project expressing support for human rights increase?)
Proportion of the target group that does not approve of public statements expressing negative attitudes or hatred towards vulnerable groups (What is the percentage increase in the number of people in your project’s target group who do not approve of public statements expressing negative attitudes or hatred towards vulnerable groups?)(+15%)
Proportion of the target group expressing a favourable opinion on gender equality (By what percentage will the number of people in the target group of your project expressing a favourable opinion on gender equality increase?)(+15%)
Performance result
Enhanced implementation of international human rights standardsNumber of human rights advocacy campaigns implemented (How many human rights advocacy campaigns do you plan to implement?)20
Number of strategic litigation cases funded (How many strategic litigation cases are foreseen in your project?)14
Number of CSOs that have received funding to monitor the implementation of international human rights standards (How many organisations in your project plan to monitor the implementation of international human rights standards? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)14
Contributing to raising awareness about human rights and the principle of equal treatmentNumber of human rights awareness-raising campaigns implemented (How many human rights awareness-raising campaigns do you plan to implement?)35
Number of people informed about human rights and equal treatment (How many people do you plan to inform about human rights and equal treatment?)1500
CSOs actively address gender equality and gender-based violenceNumber of CSOs working on gender equality issues (How many organisations in your project will work on gender equality issues? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)15
Number of CSOs working on gender-based violence (How many organisations will work on gender-based violence in your project? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)15
Impact area 4
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact result
Vulnerable groups empoweredNumber of vulnerable people empowered (How many vulnerable people do you plan to reach with the empowerment measures envisaged in the project?)2200
Number of beneficiaries served or improved (How many beneficiaries will receive (improved) services?)1100
Proportion of the target group that does not approve of public statements expressing negative attitudes or hatred towards vulnerable groups (What is the percentage increase in the number of people in your project’s target group who do not approve of public statements expressing negative attitudes or hatred towards vulnerable groups?)(+20%)
Performance result
People from vulnerable groups who have received training or advocacy on their own/their community needsNumber of persons belonging to vulnerable groups who have received training in advocacy or are involved in advocacy for their own/their community’s needs (How many persons belonging to vulnerable groups will receive training in advocacy or will be involved in advocacy for their own or their community’s needs?)110
New or improved services to meet the needs of vulnerable groups encouragedNumber of new services promoted or existing services improved to meet the needs of vulnerable groups (number of new aids or services targeted at a specific community that did not previously exist in that community) (How many new services do you plan to develop or improve existing services that address the needs of vulnerable groups?)11
CSOs promote inclusion of vulnerable groups and raise awarenessNumber of CSOs that have received funding and are working on promoting inclusion and raising awareness of vulnerable groups (How many organisations will work on promoting inclusion and raising awareness of vulnerable groups in your project? Include your own and, if relevant, partner organisations)11
Number of staff trained to work with vulnerable groups (How many professionals will be trained to work with vulnerable groups?)
Impact area 5
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact result
Enhanced civil society capacity and sustainabilityNumber of CSOs with at least 2 sources of funding, at least one of which represents at least 30% of the total budget (At the end of the project, how many organisations will have at least 2 sources of funding, at least one of which represents at least 30% of the total budget?)+50%)
Number of initiatives implemented by CSOs and public/private partnerships (How many initiatives will you implement together with public/private actors?)30
Number of CSOs regularly informing the public about their activities and results (How many organisations will regularly inform the public about their activities and results?)(+40%)
Number of CSOs with effective governance procedures (How many organisations will have effective governance procedures?)
Number of CSOs applying the principles of transparent and accountable governance (How many organisations will apply the principles of transparent and accountable governance?)
Performance result
CSO capacity building activities organisedNumber of CSOs participating in capacity building initiatives funded by the ACF programme (initiatives on financial sustainability, organisational development and management, communication, governance, impact sustainability, advocacy, etc.) (How many CSOs will participate in capacity building activities?)
Number of staff trained (How many CSO staff will be trained?)260
Number of CSOs conducting a capacity needs assessment of their organisation and developing an action plan based on the results of the assessment (How many CSOs will conduct a capacity needs assessment of their organisation and develop an action plan based on the results of the assessment?)50
Number of CSOs preparing financial sustainability plans (How many CSOs will prepare financial sustainability plans?)50
Number of CSOs preparing impact assessment plans (How many CSOs will prepare impact assessment plans?)50
CSO strategies developed to involve citizens in CSO activitiesNumber of CSOs that have developed new or updated existing plans for engaging their principals (How many CSOs will develop or update existing plans for engaging their principals?)20
CSOs and public/private partnerships establishedNumber of partnerships between CSOs and public/private entities (Number of partnerships with public/private entities established)20
Impact area of bilateral cooperation
ACF programme resultsIndicatorsTarget value
Impact result
Enhanced cooperation between programme actors from beneficiary and donor countriesLevel of satisfaction with the partnership≥ 4.5
Proportion of collaborating organisations applying the knowledge gained from the partnership (How many organisations will apply the knowledge gained from the partnership?)≥ 50%
Proportion of participants in bilateral initiatives funded by the ACF Bilateral Fund indicating improved knowledge/methods/approaches (How many participants in a bilateral cooperation initiative will improve their knowledge/methods/approaches?)(≥ 60%)
Performance result
Supported partnerships with donor country entitiesNumber of projects implemented in partnership with donor country partners20
Cooperation with donor entities supported by the APF Bilateral FundNumber of bilateral initiatives funded by the ACF Bilateral Fund30
Number of participants in bilateral activities funded by the ACF Bilateral Fund (How many people will participate in bilateral cooperation activities?)60


Open Lithuania Foundation
Didžioji str. 5, Vilnius LT-01128,

Tel. +370 614 02379

European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants is a contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing economic and social disparities and to the strengthening of bilateral relations with 15 EU Member States (13 new Member States, Greece and Portugal). The Active Citizens Fund (ACF) in Lithuania financed by the EEA Grants in 2019-2024 will allocate EUR 9 million to the strengthening of civil society and empowering vulnerable groups.

Fund Operator