Outcome 1: Increased citizen participation in civic activities
Small projects
Summary: The project is designed to encourage rural people to become more involved in civic activities. The situation in Degaičiai has become particularly acute with the closure of the school and cultural centre. The project aimed to develop leaders and form a team of activists in the community, initiate inclusive activities to promote civic engagement, organise meetings, and exchange good practices with other NGOs in the region.
- The project mobilised the community to become active; the new team was able to carry out the activities planned during the project.
- The project has been able to adapt flexibly to the needs of the target groups, which has encouraged more and more people to participate:
- events (3 events, 214 participants);
- experiential workshops (24 academic hours, 15 participants);
- experience-sharing meetings with NGOs in the region (2 meetings, 43 participants).
Links: http://bit.ly/3BEJONo
Granted amount: 12 510 Eur
Implementation period: 24/09-2020 - 23/01/2022
Summary: The project addressed the issue of involving young people living in villages in more active community life. The aim was to mobilise young people aged 14-29 and strengthen their civic sense.
- Participation in events in ten rural areas and in the 2021 Village Community Rally, attracting young people with activities that appeal to them: hikes, education, games, including discussions on community spirit, involvement in village activism.
- A FB page "Here is home" was created to publicise the project activities.
- The project participants realised that they are important for their community, that there are also interesting activities in their community, and that young people can be the initiators of the activities if they are missing them.
Nuorodos: https://www.facebook.com/%C4%8Cia-namai-105664604686529
Granted amount: 11 399 Eur
Implementation period: 14/10/2020 - 13/04/2022
Summary: The aim of the project was to empower the members of the local community "Za River" in Panevėžys to change their consumption habits, to teach sustainable consumption, to change their thinking and to form a value system based on environmental dimensions.
- Participants gained basic knowledge on sustainable food selection, preparation, consumption and benefits.
- 10 participants attended a sewing course where they learnt how to sew, cut and cut a garment, alter, repair, replace and refurbish it, sew bed linen and other necessary items. Together with a designer, participants learnt how to give a "second life" to second-hand items that are no longer needed and how to repurpose them.
- Two "Heat Exchange" houses were built where people can leave their own clothes, shoes, other household items, books and magazines and choose the right ones for themselves.
- 10 project participants improved their communication skills in English.
- The project has increased community mobilisation and citizenship, and encouraged more people to get involved in volunteering activities.
Links: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064798983897
Granted amount: 13 445 Eur
Implementation period: 24/10/2020 - 10/10/2022
Summary: The project was designed to encourage the local community and organisations in the village of Domeikava in Kaunas District Municipality to participate more actively in civic activities and initiatives.
Project results:
- An interactive map-route with QR codes of interesting places of interest was created. A stand with a map-route of the attractions of Domeikava municipality was installed. 4 guides prepared and trained.
- A guided civic hike, a civic song contest-festival, a civic action on the occasion of 6th of July was organised.
- The project activities involved the inhabitants of geographically remote areas, 10 volunteers, who acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills; training on the interview genre was organised. Cooperation with local educational institutions (Domeikava Gymnasium, kindergartens), libraries (2 branches), leisure halls (2 branches), Domeikava Elderly Municipality, Domeikava Lithuanian Martyrs' Parish, Lapiai Elderly Municipality, Voškoniai community, and youth were involved.
Links: https://www.facebook.com/domeikavoskaimobc
Granted amount: 16 608,50 Eur
Implementation period: 2020/10/01 - 2021/12/30
The aim of the project is to develop students' competences in cooperation, leadership, critical thinking, empathy and respect, tolerance for each other, and the creation of a non-violent and human rights and freedoms-oriented educational culture.
All the objectives set have been fully achieved:
1. To introduce the target group to civil rights by developing competences of cooperation, leadership, critical thinking, empathy and respect, tolerance for each other. Activities 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 were attended by 343 unique participants (planned 240), with a high level of interest in the schools and an increase of the planned number of participants.
2. Creating a non-violent educational institution culture focused on human rights and freedoms. The activities were targeted at selected participants. The activities were attended by the planned number of participants.
3. Raising public awareness of the need for young mediators in educational institutions, promoting public citizenship and voluntary participation in activities. The information was seen and read by at least 1567 visitors - members of the social network FB group "SCHOOL MEDIATION" (planned 1500 persons).
On the initiative of the lecturers and due to the great interest, an additional distance training for young mediators was held on 10-10-2023. Students from all schools participating in the project took part in the training.
The target group - pupils in grades 7-8 and professionals working in schools (social pedagogue, teacher, school psychologist, etc.) - was successfully reached. This was due to the cooperation agreements signed with the schools and the goodwill and willingness of the heads of the institutions to cooperate.
After the training in schools, the young mediators have successfully put their knowledge into practice, helping their peers to resolve problems and training volunteers to continue their activities in schools after they leave. The indirect beneficiaries - school communities – have a more peaceful atmosphere in their school communities, which leads to better working conditions, higher student achievement, and schools that are open to improvement and innovation.
Links: https://mitpc.lt/projektai/
Granted amount: 13 500,00
Implementation period: 2022-07-01 - 2023-12-31
The aim of this project was to enable 15-18 y.o. youngsters from smaller Lithuanian towns to properly assess the current information field and therefore impede the spread of mistrust in our country and foster civic activity. The project took place in the regions of Visaginas, Vilnius, Rokiškis, Kretinga and Šiauliai.
5 two-part training sessions were organized and they involved 157 students. During the training sessions, students were presented with examples of disinformation, methods to verify information online. The participants also learned how media literacy is linked to becoming an active citizen. Therefore, the participants became more aware about the information they come across and spread. The specific methodology used in our training sessions allowed students to express their creativity and improve their cooperation and communication skills. During the project, an innovative learning game was created, which helped students to engage in their educational process and apply their theoretical knowledge.
The project’s communication campaign reached over 138 thousand people and helped spread the message about the positive link between media literacy and the strengthening of democracy. The project involved youngsters, who seem indifferent about the civic life in their country, and educators, who are eager to renew their knowledge on media literacy and civic participation.
The computer game was created which will be used in future events of CRI, therefore we manged to create a continuity for this project. The game, by genre, is similar to a mix of 'escape room,' 'lobby hunting,' and detective. The goal of the game is to unravel the network of disinformation in Lithuania and uncover the responsible person. During the game, not only will information verification methods and the importance of citizenship be reminded, but to solve certain tasks in the game, you will need to seek the assistance of various civic organizations.
Granted amount: 12805,20 €
Implementation period: 2022-09-01 - 2023-03-31
Medium projects
The aim of the project was to involve people experiencing poverty and social exclusion in public policy decision-making at national and local level and to empower them to represent their interests. The project was needed because people at risk of poverty and social exclusion often do not have real opportunities and capacities to voice their proposals. Poverty demeans their dignity and promotes powerlessness. In many European countries, meetings of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion are organised to address this problem, where people have the opportunity to voice their concerns and make proposals, thus shaping the agendas of organisations and politicians in tackling poverty in the country.
- As part of the international experience, a methodology for meetings and involvement of people living in poverty in public governance was developed and regional partners were trained in Forum theatre and meeting organisation (2-day training).
- 1 national and 20 regional meetings on human rights for people living in poverty were organised in each Lithuanian county. During both meeting cycles, 292 people living in poverty participated in the events, raising issues and making suggestions. The meetings were also attended by 90 representatives of decision-making public authorities.
- A synthesis publication was produced and subsequently presented to the SADM, municipalities, MPs and academics and used for further advocacy.
- An awareness-raising campaign was implemented to promote social sensitivity and raise people's awareness of social rights. 83 social media posts were disseminated together with regional partners to raise awareness of the challenges and proposals of people living in poverty, to promote social sensitivity and raise awareness of social rights. A total of 11,5629 social network users were reached.
Links: https://www.smtinklas.lt/
Granted amount: 71 923 Eur
Implementation period: 01/12/2020 - 31/05/2022
Granted amount: 71 450,96 Eur
The aim of the project is to strengthen civil society through volunteering by connecting citizens, businesses and non-profit organizations with smart technologies. The Hands ON Connect platform is an online tool that hosts an annual volunteering calendar. This volunteer management platform allows management and direction of flows of people and volunteering opportunities. Volunteers will see in their accounts the activities they have done, the time they volunteered, the change they created. NGOs will see the statistics of volunteers' involvement and areas where the impact was created. The platform allows for NGOs- to measure the value created, increase the effectiveness of volunteer recruitment; for the citizens to use fast and clear tool, variety of activities, knowledge on target groups; for business- motivated employees, sense of meaning, facilitated coordination. Target groups: young students/workers, young families, people aged 45+, businesses, NGOs.
A study by the Civil Society Institute (2019): The risk, if involved in civic activities, to become suspect for selfish incentives would seem possible to 57 percent of respondents; that you will be publicly attacked - 52 percent. Spinter Survey (2019): 31 percent participates in voluntary activities, 62 percent –do not, 28 percent respondents would be motivated to volunteer if would have more information about where and how to get involved in volunteering. NGOs and other type of organizations that host volunteers face lack of volunteer involvement, also negative attitudes towards their target groups. It is planned to involve 400 active platform users in volunteering: 200 business representatives from 15-20 companies and 100 civil society representatives, 120 volunteer opportunities in the annual calendar will be presented. By publishing activities, we will also change attitude towards volunteering in positive way, especially by presenting the potential of volunteering: volunteering with family, short-term volunteering, various areas of volunteering. This project will strengthen the competencies of NGOs' staff, also it will reduce stigma and stereotype.
Implementation period: 24/09/2020 - 23/03/2022
Project „Mission Siberia“ is the Lithuanian project which builds social awareness, patriotism and civic engagement by encouraging to preserve Lithuanian history. The main problem is the lack of tools which can help young people to express their civic engagement and inspire them to become valuable members of civic society. In this project both target groups: young people who already formed their sense of civic engagement and those who are still forming it, are engaged to civic activities in practical way. Unfortunately, at Lithuanian schools’ teachers are usually focused only on the theoretical basis of civic engagement.
The project organizes expeditions to the places where Lithuanian people were deported and imprisoned during the Soviet occupation. During those expeditions, young people can touch the history with their own hands, clean up Lithuanian cemeteries, document and collect local people‘s stories and do other memorial activities. After the expedition digital tools, communication campaigns are implemented and meetings with participants of the expedition are organized in Lithuanian schools, communities, youth NGOs for discussing Lithuanian history and encouraging young people to participate in the life of the civic society.
The target audience of this project is young people who still form their sense of citizenship. The project also creates positive image of young generation in the society, reduces the gap between younger generation and elderly people, involves young people who live outside main Lithuanian cities and promotes intercultural relationships. „Mission Siberia“ has been organized for 15 years in a row and is recognized and supported by politicians, the media, business, the cultural and academic communities.
Links: https://misijasibiras.lt/ekspedicijos/
Granted amount: 80 000,00 Eur
Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 31/10/2021
The project has made a significant contribution to ensuring that demographic ageing is not ignored in the strategic decision-making processes of local self-government in Visaginas, and that older people are involved in the decision-making processes at local self-government level, in terms of the creation of an age-friendly environment in Visaginas and the civic engagement of this target group.
- The project objective was achieved - the participation of the target group (senior citizens of Visaginas aged 65+, participants in the activities of the Visaginas TAU, and CSOs in Visaginas uniting senior citizens) in civic activities.
- Participants of the educational events were informed about civil rights, active citizenship, volunteering, critical thinking, actively participated in the activities of the "Discussion Space" - civic meetings, discussions, and sessions for generating proposals for local self-government institutions.
- The Visaginas Seniors' Council was initiated and established, and 4 proposals were submitted to local self-government institutions on issues of interest to seniors.
- An analysis of the experience of the International Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and the adopted strategic documents was carried out, and a Memorandum was drafted on the basis of this analysis, with a proposal to consider the possibility for Visaginas to become a part of this network.
- A republican conference on issues relevant to the context of the project was organised, attended by more than 100 participants, and directly observed by about 300 people and representatives of institutions.
Links: https://bit.ly/3W1ryG6
Granted amount: 65 255,37 Eur
Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 30/06/2022
The project activities were aimed at increasing the availability and visibility of emotional support, attracting new volunteers, training and capacity building. The target groups of the project were volunteers of the Women's Helpline (WHL), people who turn to WHL for help, and adult members of the society who are able to get involved in volunteering activities.
- Information campaign on social networks, TV, public transport, podcasts created.
- PML programme, communication and strategic plan developed.
- 6 trainings, volunteer support, 2 AAGs, refresher seminars organised.
- The programme overall strengthened PML's activities, increased visibility, emotional support outreach, encouraged people to get involved in volunteering, enhanced the quality of support provided, psychological wellbeing of volunteers, motivation. PML has become a more visible line of communication, strengthening internal PML communication within each unit and cooperation between partners.
Links: https://www.ksppc.lt/projektai
Granted amount: 75 469,67 Eur
Implementation period: 13/11/2020 - 10/06/2022
The project "Information and Capacity Building of Local Communities on Environment and Climate Change" addressed the lack of citizen involvement in addressing climate change and environmental challenges and the lack of information to motivate action. The project aimed to strengthen civil society, raise awareness of communities on climate change and the environment and build their capacity to participate in the implementation of EU and Lithuanian strategic objectives in this area, mitigating the effects of climate change and protecting environmental quality. Target group - Kaunas district communities.
- A survey of communities was carried out.
- Environmental information and advocacy seminars, round table discussion organised.
- Community Climate Mitigation and Environmental Improvement Strategy developed.
- Information event and conference organised.
- Increased community awareness on climate change and environmental issues, strengthened the capacity of Kaunas R. communities as civil society and promoted their involvement in civic activities through the development of local Climate Change Mitigation and Environmental Improvement Strategies.
Links: https://ecat.lt/projektai/
Granted amount: 51 976 Eur
Implementation period: 04/10/2020 - 04/04/2022
The aim of the project is to bring environmental issues closer to people, to help them better understand them and to understand how our everyday choices can influence the solutions to these problems. Promoting reduced consumption, developing new habits for a more sustainable lifestyle, promoting DIY culture and gardening in the city, providing help and guidance for daily management - knowledge about everyday life that we have tried to convey through the various activities implemented during the project (trainings, workshops, educational programmes for students, etc). The target group is families with young children, families expecting a baby, pre-school children and primary school children.
- Several different blocks of activities were implemented, which complemented each other and made up the whole project: from seminars and workshops for families, to open "Master's Kitchen" events, to the creation of DIY playgrounds for children, to the introduction of different gardening techniques in the city, to role-playing games for school children.
- ZERO HERO, a game to inspire a sustainable lifestyle for children aged 7-11, and an educational programme for primary school children on batteries, their extraction and recycling. Both are publicly available in digital format on the project applicant's website. The card game ZERO HERO is also available in physical form to all.
Links: https://miestolaboratorija.lt/projektas-zero-waste-karta-2/
Granted amount: 51 815,87 Eur
Implementation period: 19.10.2020 - 1.10.2021
There has been a lot of research on the shadow economy over the last 40 years, but very little has been done to prevent the shadow economy and tax evasion. We can say that Lithuania has chosen insignificant policy measures to prevent the shadow economy (Lithuanian Free Market Institute, 2018). Also, proper use of collected tax revenues, transparency, public satisfaction with public services, citizenship, and societal motives, can have a shrinking effect on the shadow economy (Publication: Shadow Economy. Changes over a decade, 2016). On this basis, we can say that the development of citizenship competencies directly contributes to reducing the shadow economy and increasing transparency. However, in one of the orders of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, it is stated that active civic education for pupils is insufficient. Therefore, with the help of this project, we suggest improving the quality of civic education at an early age. Also, we aim to teach children responsible financial management at an early age by strengthening citizenship and financial literacy competencies. Our goal is to educate a civic and responsible taxpayer and thus prevent the spread of the shadow economy in Lithuania. The project aims to strengthen civil rights education and civic participation education sustainably - we will integrate content into the educational process that can be used for many years - this will ensure the continuity of the impact created and the expansion of the target audience.
Expected qualitative and quantitative results of the project were reached:
1. Updated methodology and dissemination of the "Our Community" curriculum;
2. 356 specialist teachers trained to teach responsible citizenship and tax compliance, financial literacy basics using the methodological content of the "Our Community" programme and signed 50 cooperation agreements with the project and 300 teachers trained.
3. Strengthened the skills and competences of 5505 (10%) pupils in responsible citizenship and tax compliance, financial literacy, and the development of their The programme "Our Community" will help to raise awareness of the basics of citizenship and financial literacy in the regions of Lithuania, in socially vulnerable communities, and in communities in vulnerable communities. Active citizenship skills and participation in civic activities developed;
4. 1 practical, methodological conference for project teachers on curriculum and active citizenship implemented The project was organized in the framework of the European Citizenship Forum;
5. 1 educational experience event for students participating in the project;
6. Implemented a best practice training for capacity building and development of the applicant.
Our goal was reached to educate a civic and responsible taxpayer and thus prevent the spread of the shadow economy in Lithuania. The target group of this project is 2-3 grade students. The project aims to strengthen the education system by providing and expanding a high-quality educational methodology - the 5-session program “Our Community” - which includes the development of civil rights, civic participation, financial literacy. We prepared 356 teachers who accompany 5,499 students during the above-mentioned program. The project aims to strengthen civil rights education and civic participation education sustainably - we will integrate content into the educational process that can be used for many years - this will ensure the continuity of the impact created and the expansion of the target audience.
Links: Projektai - LJA
Granted amount: 63 246,95
Implementation period: 2022-06-01 - 2023-11-30
With the project „Sidabrinė linija”: building the civic power of the older population by promoting social activism and volunteering“ we aimed to address the problem of low civic participation among the elderly population in Lithuania.
Project target group: socially vulnerable older adults (60 years and older) who, due to their age, health and socioeconomic status, belonging to national / ethnic / linguistic minorities, loneliness and isolation are facing a risk of social exclusion, and who partially (or completely) lack or have lost the ability and opportunities to communicate and maintain social relations, are socially passive, lack of confidence in their civic power.
The project goal was building the civic power of elderly population, promoting their social activism and meaningful civic participation by engaging them in social interaction and volunteering in the framework of “Sidabrinė Linija” befriending programme.
The project brought about the following positive changes, each of which will have a lasting impact on the target group - socially vulnerable and civically inactive older people, as well as on the indirect beneficiaries – the relatives and the community at a large:
· Increased motivation and opportunities for the socially vulnerable older people involved in the project to re-establish and maintain social relationships, which will have a direct positive impact on their subjectively perceived psychological well-being;
· Increased civic engagement of seniors through involvement in sustainable volunteering at the Silver Line, enhanced skills in using digital tools for civic participation, improved competences in teamwork, learning and active citizenship;
· Raised public awareness of prevailing negative attitudes towards older people, promoted recognition of their contribution to society, improved understanding of their rights to live independently, with dignity, and reduced negative age-related stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes;
· Strengthened institutional capacities of participating organisations, increased organisational development capacities, stronger partnerships.
Links: https://www.sidabrinelinija.lt/fondas/projektinis-finansavimas
Granted amount: 75526,89 EUR
Implementation period: 2022-05-01 iki 2023-10-31
Every second resident believes the decision-making process in Lithuania is opaque, 6 out of 10 - that the government is run by few private interests. 9 out of 10 have never participated in public consultations, while 1 out 9 municipalities do not publicly consult with citizens. In 2020, the Index of the perception of civic influence on decision-making decreased from 61.2 to 55.7 points out of 100.
With the help of this project TI Lithuania aimed to addresses the problem of low citizen participation and their engagement in local decision-making.
The solution: TI Lithuania together with its partners promoted active citizen participation and inclusion in decision-making through participatory budgets (PBs). The project target groups were (1) members of local communities, (2) representatives of local public administrations, associations, national and local decision-makers.
Project results: (1) Increased citizen participation in decision-making (engaging over 280 people during 4 public consultations, strengthening civic education of at least 36,000 citizens in 6 municipalities); (2) Encouraged citizen participation in civic activities (over 70 percent of all municipalities in Lithuania are implementing PBs; TI Lithuania implemented at least 3 awareness-raising campaigns; its online tool www.dalyvaujamasisbiudzetas.lt has been visited more than 4,3 thousand times); (3) Established and strengthened partnerships between CSOs and public entities (involving at least 11 partners; 88 municipal representatives in the exchanges of PB experiences; over 300 representatives from national and local public administrations, communities in Lithuania and abroad); (4) Strengthened inclusion of vulnerable groups (involving 31 municipal representatives in trainings on how to include diverse social groups); (6) Proposals to improve public policy (by submitting information requests to 60 municipalities and 12 proposals to public institutions (both, national and local level) to strengthen citizens‘ engagement in decision-making).
Links: www.dalyvaujamasisbiudzetas.lt
Granted amount: 74930,40 EUR
Implementation period: 2022-05-09 to 2024-02-08
The project “FOR: future create now” was promote active citizenship among young people by contributing to the formulation of public policies on gender equality.The following problems was addressed:
1. Low awareness of the importance of gender equality among Lithuanian youth, especially in the regions, and low youth participation in the formulation and implementation of equality policy between women and men hinder the development of society and democracy.
2. Insufficient involvement of NGOs and lack of instruments to promote young people's active citizenship on gender equality issues, such as public campaigns based on research, facts or international documents, underdeveloped mechanisms for civic control of political parties, and especially at the municipal level.
An innovative digital educational tool has been developed that not only raises young people's awareness of gender equality, but also serves as a reference material to educate young people about citizenship in a way that appeals to them. In total, 85 young people took part in the activity. A cartoon "Gender Balance in Politics" was produced to encourage young people to become more active, aware and responsible in the elections and to get involved in gender equality policy-making. Ten young active girls from different municipalities were more actively involved in political life and encouraged to get involved in the development and implementation of gender equality policies.
During the dialogical training “FOR: future create now”, representatives of youth organisations were introduced to ways and methods of developing young people's critical thinking, which helps them to engage more actively in dialogues, debates on decision-making and social action in the public interest. The total number of participants was 66.
The programmes of 3 political parties were analysed from the perspective of gender equality and educational material for a youth seminar-discussion was prepared on the basis of concrete examples.
The project partner organisations/members signed 5 cooperation agreements with youth organisations:
Social campaigns contributed to raising awareness among members of the public, especially young people, about civic initiatives, civil rights and activities to strengthen direct democracy. Awareness of gender inequality issues and solutions and of the CEDAW Convention and its recommendations to Lithuania increased. The EEA Financial Mechanism's APF programme was publicised.
The project resulted in the creation of 2 digital tools - a quiz/brainstorming game "For a gender-equal future for young people" and an animated video "Gender Balance in Politics" - which gave the project sustainability. The project activities aimed to raise awareness of gender equality among young people by encouraging them to become more involved in civic activities. Strengthen cooperation between LMLO members and youth organisations. The young people involved in the project broadened their knowledge on citizenship. Their motivation and innovative, independent thinking about gender equality, public life in the country or about the state and its government itself was encouraged. 10 young active girls were involved in political activities. Increased sustainability of LMLO members, strengthened capacities will activate young people to participate in gender equality policy making and implementation. Representatives of youth work organisations increased their knowledge on how to empower young people to participate in political, civic and public life, to build positive relationships with young people, to help them formulate their interests, to teach them how to express and represent them, and to develop civic attitudes. The partner brought different resources and perspectives to the project, which made it more diverse and multifaceted. We consider the cooperation with the partner to be effective and successful and believe that it has contributed to the achievement of the project's intended results.
Links: http://www.muic.lt/viktorina-kad-jaunimo-ateitis-butu-grindziama-lyciu-lygybe/
The project “FOR: future create now” was promote active citizenship among young people by contributing to the formulation of public policies on gender equality.The following problems was addressed:
1. Low awareness of the importance of gender equality among Lithuanian youth, especially in the regions, and low youth participation in the formulation and implementation of equality policy between women and men hinder the development of society and democracy.
2. Insufficient involvement of NGOs and lack of instruments to promote young people's active citizenship on gender equality issues, such as public campaigns based on research, facts or international documents, underdeveloped mechanisms for civic control of political parties, and especially at the municipal level.
An innovative digital educational tool has been developed that not only raises young people's awareness of gender equality, but also serves as a reference material to educate young people about citizenship in a way that appeals to them. In total, 85 young people took part in the activity. A cartoon "Gender Balance in Politics" was produced to encourage young people to become more active, aware and responsible in the elections and to get involved in gender equality policy-making. Ten young active girls from different municipalities were more actively involved in political life and encouraged to get involved in the development and implementation of gender equality policies.
During the dialogical training “FOR: future create now”, representatives of youth organisations were introduced to ways and methods of developing young people's critical thinking, which helps them to engage more actively in dialogues, debates on decision-making and social action in the public interest. The total number of participants was 66.
The programmes of 3 political parties were analysed from the perspective of gender equality and educational material for a youth seminar-discussion was prepared on the basis of concrete examples.
The project partner organisations/members signed 5 cooperation agreements with youth organisations:
Social campaigns contributed to raising awareness among members of the public, especially young people, about civic initiatives, civil rights and activities to strengthen direct democracy. Awareness of gender inequality issues and solutions and of the CEDAW Convention and its recommendations to Lithuania increased. The EEA Financial Mechanism's APF programme was publicised.
The project resulted in the creation of 2 digital tools - a quiz/brainstorming game "For a gender-equal future for young people" and an animated video "Gender Balance in Politics" - which gave the project sustainability. The project activities aimed to raise awareness of gender equality among young people by encouraging them to become more involved in civic activities. Strengthen cooperation between LMLO members and youth organisations. The young people involved in the project broadened their knowledge on citizenship. Their motivation and innovative, independent thinking about gender equality, public life in the country or about the state and its government itself was encouraged. 10 young active girls were involved in political activities. Increased sustainability of LMLO members, strengthened capacities will activate young people to participate in gender equality policy making and implementation. Representatives of youth work organisations increased their knowledge on how to empower young people to participate in political, civic and public life, to build positive relationships with young people, to help them formulate their interests, to teach them how to express and represent them, and to develop civic attitudes. The partner brought different resources and perspectives to the project, which made it more diverse and multifaceted. We consider the cooperation with the partner to be effective and successful and believe that it has contributed to the achievement of the project's intended results.
Links: http://www.muic.lt/viktorina-kad-jaunimo-ateitis-butu-grindziama-lyciu-lygybe/
Granted amount: 59600,84 €
Implementation period: 2022-07-01 - 2023-12-31
Project “Patients acting for patients” aimed to improve patient health literacy and promotion of participation in the healthcare decision making to reflect real patient needs and preferences in the public policy and to strengthen cooperation between citizens and governmental institutions.
Research proves that active patient engagement in the healthcare and social care systems contributes to substantially better treatment outcomes, including reduced waiting times and reduced number of patients with chronic diseases. In Lithuania patient involvement throughout their treatment journey remains low, also attention is lacking to improve patients’ education and their health literacy. In the meantime, one of the strategic priorities of the Lithuanian Government is to “improve citizens social well-being and inclusion, promote health”, aiming to improve the number of patients who were actively included in their treatment decisions by 300 percent by the year 2030.
The target groups within the project were 1) patients who were involved in volunteering activities; 2) patients who were educated and encouraged to participate in policymaking in the fields of health care and social security; 3) public administration institutions.
Throughout the project POLA initiated and implemented a volunteer based mentoring program, implemented systematic awareness-raising measures for the patient community, developed a patient-centred training program, organized training, conducted patient surveys using digital tools, and thus provided patients with an opportunity to express public opinion, based on which later submited proposals to competent institutions and bodies.
Project activities and their results empowered patients to become partners in their healthcare delivery, improved their participation in the civil society and helped public institutions to acknowledge problems faced by patients in the healthcare and social care systems, by listening to lived patient experience, expectations, and suggestions, thus improving the quality and effectiveness of public decision making.
Links: https://pola.lt/apie-pola/#projektai
Granted amount: 59900,68 €
Implementation period: 2022-04-29 - 2023-08-28
The activities planned in the project ensured the realization of all the general objectives of the APF program:
• civil society will be strengthened, vulnerable groups such as young people and ethnic minorities will be empowered;
• bilateral cooperation between Lithuanian civil society organizations and donor entities will be strengthened;
• regional networking will be encouraged, knowledge and good practice will be available to all civil society.
The project contributed to the achievement of the APF program level result ("Strengthened Civil Society and Active Citizenship, Empowered Vulnerable Groups"):
Number of CSOs directly funded – 4 (NLC, 1 NGO operating in Norway and 2 NGO operating in Šiauliai). Also, 1 Šiauliai city educational institution was involved in the Project.
The project solved these problems: lack of high-quality non-formal anti-corruption education and public administration proposal preparation programs, lack of modern digital methodological tools required for their implementation; passive participation of young people, especially young people from national minorities, in civic activities, too little involvement in public policy-making.
In project there was done:
• implemented an experience exchange traineeship in Norway where NLC, 1 and 2 Partners exchanged the positive experience of activities aimed at more active involvement in the formation of public policy;
• improved a non-formal anti-corruption education and preparation of public administration proposals program, prepared the digital methodological material “easy to read”, open to all external users;
• implemented trainings “Engine of Youth Anti-Corruption Initiatives - Civic Activity and Involvement in Public Administration Decision-Making” for 199 youth representatives in 7 municipalities of Šiauliai County, including representatives of national minorities;
• organized 4 moderated public management proposal preparation working groups in each Šiauliai county municipality, involving 48 youth representatives;
• improved the skills relevant to the development of NLC's and Partners' NGO activities.
Links: https://slk.lt/apf-jaunimo-antikorupcinis-ugdymas/
Granted amount: 70 450,74 €
Implementation period: 2022-07-01 iki 2024-02-29
Large projects
The main problem of the project emphasized the engagement of civic initiatives and local democracy at municipal and regional level, involving local community groups in the regional municipalities (Kaunas, Tauragė, Jurbarkas, Šilalė, Pagėgiai, Zarasai, Ignalina, Biržai, Klaipėda and Kaunas district municipalities and others). The project was in line with the aims of the APF program to develop civil society and to promote the involvement of socially vulnerable groups, and is within the scope of Impact 1, promoting greater citizen participation in civic activities (Outcome 1). It is also consistent with the thematic priority of focusing on geographically remote regions and the implementation of partnerships and the promotion of bilateral partnerships. The project was based on the idea that inter-institutional partnerships between local government (municipality), local communities and civic groups and other stakeholders in the municipality allow to balance different interests, enhance local democracy, support civic initiatives and participate in local politics and strategic planning processes, contribute to wellbeing in remote municipalities. The main activities of the project included the identification and assessment of the local democracy situation and community participation in municipal areas, training of community representatives in local democracy and civic leadership, as well as sustainable development issues, cooperation with Norwegian partners and networking and communication activities. Main results and outcomes of the project: study report, 313 persons trained, 1 visit with Norwegian partners, networking and communication activities (digital tools testing, local needs seminars and discussions).
Links: http://www.lrti.lt/veikla/apf.html
Granted amount: 130 200,12 Eur
Implementation period: 2020-12-01 – 2023-05-31
Summary: the project was necessary Lithuanian diaspora passively participates in Lithuanian public life, there are groups with specific needs, and they are not met sufficiently. The main goal of the project was to create conditions for the involvement of the professional diaspora in public life in Lithuania. The solution to the problem is an ecosystem for the implementation of the citizenship of the professional diaspora, which consists of four parts: a digital platform, initiative groups, events and communication. The first target group of the project was diaspora professionals who are inclined towards civic engagement, but need to be offered concrete means of participation that meet their needs. The second target group is Lithuanian public and public sector organizations that seek to expand the audience of their activities and/or they need certain specific competences or experiences.
- During the project, an online platform was created, which works as a one-stop shop for the merger and cooperation of target groups, and the applicant's work in convening and mentoring initiative groups is aimed at creating good practices, success stories and habits. Communication support will ensure the continuity and sustainability of the project.
- During the project period, we have about 2,500 diaspora professionals, 30 non-governmental and public sector institutions registered on the platform.
- An important and qualitative change at the end of the project - the target groups better understand the meaning of cooperation, the benefits and each other's needs and expectations, and the online platform is used as a space for new connections to be made even after the project ends.
Links: GLL – Global Lithuanian Leaders; Global Lithuanian Leaders | Vilnius | Facebook
Granted amount: 125 865,28 Eur
Implementation period: 125 865,28 Eur
Partners: Vytautas Magnus university Centre for Enterprise Practice
Granted amount: 149 180,00 Eur
Problem: the social and civic situation of the youth from Lithuanian regions are not well: there exists a high level of migration, poverty, a high rate of unemployment, a low sense of citizenship, people hardly get involved in public and civic activities. There also exists a lack of inclusive and effective citizenship education programmes for the youth. The effect, which is wanted and coherence with the goals of the programme: the project is directly oriented into the main goal of APF – to strengthen the civic community, as well as the result – a strong civic community and active citizenship in Lithuania. The target group is one of the most vulnerable ones in Lithuania – the youth from regions.
The goal – to promote active civic participation of Lithuanian youth in multiple social and public politic processes, as well as contribute to making the quality of public education better. Project activities and results:
- Ready-to-use methodical tool „Citizenship education for the youth – BeACTIVE“; board game for the youth „Active citizenship“;
- Training for specialists, working with the youth – they will be introduced to the methods of active citizenship education. In total there are going to be 10 days of training for 200 specialists from 10 Lithuanian regions;
- Creative workshops for the youth, which include creativity-based activities, civic education and involvement in problem solving of local issues. In total there are going to be 25 workshops organised for 400 participants;
- Creation of an online platform „BeACTIVE – 100 ideas for Lithuania“;
- Festival of ideas „BEACTIVE“.
Implementation period: 15/10/2020 - 14/10/2023
In Lithuanian schools, almost half of students do not feel part of the community and are not able to influence decisions at school (PISA, 2018). The project “Democratic Education-Based Practices in Lithuanian Schools” aims to implement democratic education-based practices that teach students civic education through daily practice in school, so that students can experience real democratic process of decision making and see how even small decisions can affect community life. The goal of the project was to create a civically active society by implementing the principles of democratic education in Lithuanian schools. To achieve this goal, 20 Lithuanian schools have introduced practices based on democratic education principles, which help pupils to become active members of the school community; conditions for pupils to play with the principles and processes of democracy by participating in an educational game in MINI City were created; good practices of civic education with Lithuanian teachers and parents were shared.
Links: https://www.demokratinemokykla.lt/mini-miestas https://www.demokratinemokykla.lt/mini-miestas
Granted amount: 121499,08 EUR
Implementation period: 2020-10-01 iki 2022-12-31
Summary: This project was necessary because the urban development of the Šantių district did not meet the requirements of the general plan of the city of Kaunas and violated the public interest. The goal of the project "GENIUS LOCI: Urbanisation and Civil Community" was to solve the problem of unsustainable and undemocratic urbanization in Kaunas' Shanti district, creating conditions for more active involvement of citizens and participation in environmental planning, creation and decision-making processes. The target group of the project consisted of residents of Šanți and other interested public groups.
Goal(s): More active participation of citizens in civic activities; stronger civil society capacity and greater sustainability.
Results: Citizens who participate more actively in civic activities and are included in decision-making: members of the Šančiai community and interested society, youth, groups experiencing social exclusion; created a virtual community space that enables civic processes and increased the number of users of digital tools that promote public participation in civic activities; created creatively interactive spaces that encourage public participation in civic activities; partnerships between CSOs and public/private entities have been implemented.
Links: https://sanciubendruomene.lt/lt/genius-loci/
Granted amount: 143 953,96
Implementation period: 2020‐09‐24 - 2023‐09‐23
Young people in Lithuania have a very low turnout in local elections. The main reasons for this are: (1) young people's weak knowledge of politics and practical skills to participate in public life; (2) the gap between politicians and young people, and the negative image of politicians; and (3) the lack of political debate involving young people. The first target group of the project is young people aged 14-24 in all regions. The project aimed to promote young people's active, informed and conscious participation in local elections and local decision-making.
The project achieved its objective by strengthening the network of volunteers, organising educational sessions for young people, conducting election monitoring and campaigning to encourage informed voting, and monitoring the performance of elected mayors for the first time.
The project created a network of 14 mentors (long-term volunteers) who helped with the recruitment and orientation of new volunteers, expanded the network of volunteers, and developed their skills and capacities. In cooperation with ~60 educational institutions, volunteers delivered 120 educational sessions to 2400 people aged 14-24. Information campaigns on the elections highlighted the importance of making an informed choice, with invitations to debates, to ask questions to candidates in debates and on the virtual platform https://rinkimai.zinaukarenku.lt . Volunteers organised 91 debates. We also set up and for the first time monitored mayoral pledges https://stebesena2023.zinaukarenku.lt/
A network of youth volunteers has been gathered and strengthened, providing them with significant theoretical knowledge and practical skills on political and civic participation, communication and teamwork, organisational and communication skills. In elections 2023, the turnout of young people increased slightly: by 1.45 percentage points or 4% in the first round and by as much as 5.52 percentage points or 20% in the second round, which is decisive. We believe that our activities, especially in the second round, have not only helped to maintain the turnout of young people, but have also slightly increased it.
Links: Pagrindinis - Žinau, ką renku (zinaukarenku.lt)
Granted amount: 145 000,00
Implementation period: 2020-11-03 - 2024-01-31
The issues and challenges the project aimed to address were:
- Limited possibilities to volunteer for citizens living in Lithuanian regions.
- Insufficient number of „Child line’s" volunteers and decreasing motivation of present volunteers.
The main avtivities of the project:
- Implementing awareness-rising campaign;
- Attracting and trainning of new volunteers;
- Strengthening motivation of Child Line volunteers;
The outcomes of this project:
- implemented 1 awareness-rising campaign, attracted 58 new volunteers.
- organized events in Panevėžys, Šiauliai, Alytus with local communities – promoted possibility to volunteer by chat at Child line.
- implemented 1 volunteers' motivation event (total number of event participants 152 persons),
- organized 6 meetings for online volunteers and created self-education library.
Links: Vaikų linija - Emocinės paramos tarnyba vaikams ir paaugliams (vaikulinija.lt)
Granted amount: 75766,75
Implementation period: 2022-06-01 - 2023-11-30
This project aimed to address to main challenges:
- Insufficient number of „Child line’s" volunteers.
- Decreasing motivation of present volunteers.
The main objectives of the project were:
- Recruit sufficient number of new volunteers.
- To increase motivation of present volunteers
The following activities were implemented during the project:
1. 3 awareness raising campaigns were successfully implemented.
2. 939 citizens expressed their desire to become VL volunteers.
3. Support for VL activities was encouraged by allocating 1.2 GPM.
4. Organized 2 motivation and qualification raising seminars for VL volunteers.
5. 369 volunteers raised their motivation and qualifications.
6. Organized 2 motivation and qualification raising seminars for VL supervisors (volunteers - volunteer teachers);
7. 105 supervisors improved their motivation and qualifications.
8. Organized 6 meetings/lectures with volunteers. Increased public awareness of VL.
Outcomes of this project:
- implementing 2 awareness-rising campaigns which attracted 488 candidates for volunteers.
- after implementing 1 awareness-rising campaign 1,2% of income tax donations increased 63 %.
- strengthened motivation of current volunteers by implementing 2 motivation volunteers' trainings (total number of participants were 363 volunteers), 2 motivation supervisors (volunteers – volunteers' teachers) trainings (105 volunteers trained)
Links: Vaikų linija - Emocinės paramos tarnyba vaikams ir paaugliams (vaikulinija.lt)
Granted amount: 147 116,24
Implementation period: 2020-11-02 - 2024-02-03
The project was based on the work of the online educational platform "Inconvenient Films Class" as the starting point for development, significantly expanding the circle of educators using this platform, based on its content, the program for teachers was created and achieved official accreditation by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, which was later piloted by a selected group of 53 pedagogues from various regions of Lithuania within the framework of the project. The pedagogues who strengthened their professional qualifications in civic education and received a practical tool also helped their students realize their civic competences in practice by carrying out voluntary civic initiatives with the help of professional mentors and project volunteers. The project's target groups - educators and pupils - were directly reached, educators - enabled to reflect their attitudes and talk about citizenship topics with students in classes, students enabled to contribute to changes in their communities. The project especially strengthened the platform and awareness of documentary film education as a tool for citizenship education and human rights issues among Lithuanian educators and pedagogues, enabled school communities to speak qualitatively on topics important to the growth of society.
The aim of this project was to strengthen the field of civic education in Lithuanian formal education institutions, so that educators working in the field of civic education have a modern, high-quality and widely available tool that promotes creativity and critical thinking in their daily work and know how to use it. In this way, it was aimed to create a sustainable, systemic change covering the entire country. The project but significantly expanded the circle of educators using online civic and human rights film education platform (from 2,000 at the beginning of the project to 4,000 at the end of the project), also achieving accreditation by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The program, developed in the framework of the project, raised professional qualification of 53 pedagogues from various regions of Lithuania. At least 530 schoolchildren took part in the activities of the project promoting citizenship and raising awareness of human rights issues, while at least 2900 young people directly participated in the “Inconvenient Films Class” educational activities implemented within the framework of the project, all promoting advocacy of and sensitivity to human rights and other social issues, civic engagement, media literacy and counter-discrimination.
Links: https://nepatogauskinoklase.lt
Granted amount: 148395,75 €
Implementation period: 2020-11-01 iki 2023-04-30