Outcome 4: Vulnerable groups empowered

Small projects

Summary: The aim of the project is to provide therapeutic services for children with behavioural and emotional difficulties in order to help them adapt to their social environment. Target group: children aged 7-11 years (60 persons) with behavioural and emotional difficulties in Marijampolė. The project provided psychodrama and dance-movement therapy services aimed at strengthening the children's relationship with themselves and with others, to discover themselves. Children's behavioural and emotional difficulties are most pronounced during the primary school years, i.e. for children aged 7-11. It is important to recognise children's behavioural and emotional difficulties during this period and to provide timely help. 
60 sessions of psychodrama and dance-movement therapy for children with behavioural and emotional difficulties.

A summary of the questionnaires completed by parents shows that psychodrama had an impact on 8 children (33%) and dance-movement therapy on 9 children (37%).

After the psychodrama therapy sessions, parents reported changes in their children's behaviour in 5 areas: they can concentrate on one object for longer; they can understand and follow multi-step instructions more easily; they are less distracted and forgetful; they talk less, interrupt others and listen more; they can manage their feelings and emotions more easily; and they are more adaptable to social situations.

After the dance-movement therapy sessions, parents reported changes in their children's behaviour in 8 areas: focusing on one object for longer; moving less aimlessly; following instructions more easily; acting less impulsively; talking less and interrupting others less; breaking rules of behaviour and order less often; controlling their feelings and emotions more easily; adapting to social situations; and being more understanding of others' feelings and emotions.

Links: https://www.facebook.com/MarijampolesMykoloParapijosCaritas 
Granted amount: 12 343 EUR
Implementation period: 01/02/2021 - 28/02/2022


Partners: Lithuanian Young Falcon Union

Granted amount: 14 282,10 Eur


The project seeks to contribute to Roma and marginalized young people social competencies development through professional art based socio-cultural activities.

In order to empower the Roma and young people experiencing social exclusion, to develop their social, emotional, communication skills, society openness, mutual understanding, elimination of stereotypes and stigmas, it is envisaged:

1) To build creative team capacities for successful implementation of project activities;

2) To elaborate an extended theater camp program focused on young people experiencing social exclusion social, emotional, and communication skills development;

3) To implement 2 theater camps "Laukmes" dedicated for young people experiencing social and ethnical exclusion, based on theatrical practices merged with nature and self-knowing;

4) To prepare camp-based photographic material and documentary action-film "Dialogue";

5) To implement 5 information events (dialogues-discussions) for senior pupils and teachers in Lithuanian regions.

Project is in line with the objectives of ACF program, as well as contributes to outcome 4 and foreseen outputs. The project creates an opportunity to empower vulnerable people (specifically Roma and marginalized youth) through enhanced social, emotional and communication skills.

At the same time, the applicant and partner will create a sustainable basis for providing new socio-cultural services to marginalized young people through the development of a theater camp methodology and documented educational material „Dialogue“.

Implementation period: 01/11/2020 - 31/01/2022

Partners: Association “Community of Pagegiai”

Granted amount: 13 500,00 Eur


The project aims to increase the social inclusion of children, young people, mothers with infants and young children, and older people by promoting their participation in social activities in less accessible regions of Lithuania. We will organize educational activities for children, young people, mothers with infants, meaningful employment education seminars for older people, community events, open to all residents of Geleziai village and other surrounding villages in Zujunai eldership, Vilnius district. Project activities will also take place in Pagegiai, Anyksciai and Ukmerge districts, remote areas in Lithuania.

The proposed educational activities for the target groups is the best solution to the identified problems - lack of meaningful employment and education services, lack of security in the regions - as this will develop community spirit and thus encourage vulnerable groups to identify and present their needs, i.e., participants will be involved in community activities, creation of services. Suggested activity methods - organized sessions will combine self-education (of children, youth, mothers, seniors), promote physical activity, community and intergenerational exchange, exchange of good practices, create accessibility of services in remote regions and activate the community to present their needs (to municipality, local authorities). In addition, these new services will be developed and provided close to the living area of the target group, i.e. solving the problem of rural, geographically disadvantaged access to urban or larger neighborhood settlements due to lack of public transport and proper roads.

The estimated number of participants is 300 (direct participants in innovative educational activities and community events). Indirect beneficiaries - about 5000 people who will receive information about activities, methods, good practices in Vilnius district, Pagegiai, Anyksciai, Ukmerge districts.

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2022

Partners: The Centre of Good Changes

Granted amount: 10 782,00 Eur


With this project, we aim to enable the residents of communal self-support houses “Kelkis” and “Gerų pokyčių centras”  to change their life. Target groups, participating in the project:

1. Persons addicted to certain substances taking;

2. Homeless people.

Communal self-support houses “Kelkis” and “Gerų pokyčių centras” provide to these target groups accommodation and social skills development services, however, there is no system and specialist who would enable the persons to make decisions in their career. At the moment, part of people do not work or do not have a choice and work works randomly where vacancies are suggested, regardless of personal skills. 

Project tasks:

1. To develop general abilities. 

2. To develop social skills. 

3. Empower to make decisions in the professional field.

Project results:

1. Project participants will acquire the basics of computer literacy. Will be able to prepare a description of CV. Will be able to prepare for a job interview.

2. A socially responsible personality will be developed.

3. Target groups will be empowered to make professional decisions.

4. An individual career plan has been prepared for each representative of the target group who is rehabilitating at BSN “Kelkis” and “Good Change Center”.

5. An information and educational event for the public was organized.

6. Good practices were shared with other rehabilitation centers.

7. Awareness of human rights will increase.

8. Vulnerable groups will be empowered to make decisions and take responsibility for their integration into society and the labor market.

9. New and improved existing services to meet the needs of vulnerable groups (career development) have been encouraged.

10. Managers and staff of the applicant and partner organizations will acquire organizational and human resource management skills.

Training and seminars, an informational educational event to society as well as ‘Open door day‘ in a communal house for community strengthening and its activity promotion will be held during the project.

Implementation period: 07/10/2020 - 06/10/2021

Partners: NGO "Sunshine ideas"

NGO Centre for mediation and legal services

Association Independent Living

Granted amount: 12 150,00 Eur 


Project will be implemented by 4 NGOs. It solves 2 major challenges that families raising children with special needs (SN) face: 1) improves professional skills of teachers, family members, peers, which are necessary for proper understanding and responding their needs; 2) raises public awareness of neurodiversity, a biological fact common to children with SN, and presents challenges those families face. Audience consists of families raising a child with SN as well as their peers, teachers, professionals, public members. Target groups will be empowered by provision of information, mutual cooperation, good practice exchange, advocacy activities that will be carried in 9 pilot municipalities. The project will result in a strong community of families with children with SN as well as assisting professionals, teachers, public members and their raised awareness. Mutual assistance and mediation skills improvement through family conference sessions will be achieved. The inclusion of vulnerable groups will be promoted as their members will advocate their needs.

Implementation period: 02/11/2020 - 01/05/2022

Research reflects negative attitudes and widespread homophobic attitudes towards members of the LGBT+ community in Lithuania. This creates an adverse psychological environment in which LGBT+ youth experience additional mental health risk factors. It becomes too difficult for young people to overcome these difficulties alone, especially when living in regions without a supportive community and professional support services. Some organizations and initiatives have already taken several steps to increase the voice of LGBT+ persons and foster the empowerment of this group. The services offered by LŠJTA (i.e. dance movement therapy and psychodrama) perfectly complemented the already developed ideas with innovative emotional support solutions, which had not been offered in the framework of project activities in Lithuania so far.


The project team organized 2 remote therapeutic cycles (8 sessions of dance movement therapy, 8 sessions of psychodrama), in which 27 LGBT+ young people took part; also the team organized 2 live therapeutic cycles at the Visaginas Arts Residence (4 sessions of dance movement therapy, 4 sessions of psychodrama), in which 24 LGBT+ young people participated. Finally, one methodical publication was created, presented in an experiential way to a wider audience (32 people who participated live) and distributed through social media. Training was also organized to strengthen project writing and management skills, in which 12 representatives from the applicant and partner organizations participated.


The following results were achieved in the project: 1) Innovative (dance movement therapy and psychodrama) online services were adapted and run for 27 LGBT+ young people from cities and regions. 2) Innovative (dance movement therapy and psychodrama) services for 24 LGBT+ youth from the city of Visaginas were run. 3) A foundation was created for the further activities of the communities by strengthening the personal and community resources of the participants. 4) A methodology in PDF format for working with LGBT+ youth using dance movement therapy and psychodrama was created, presented and distributed. These results helped young people achieve greater self-knowledge and self-esteem; assess the possibilities of safe disclosure to oneself, relatives and the wider environment; notice how the body, thoughts, emotions interact and how the relationship with the environment changes as they harmonize; gain greater self-confidence; strengthen mutual aid competencies through mutual support

Links: Projektai (lsjta.lt)

Granted amount: 13 496,85

Implementation period: 2022-07-01 - 2023-12-31

Summary: The target group of the project is participants from 20 to 50 years old, leaders and activists of organizations and communities with disabilities and representing the interests of people with disabilities. The #JUST4ALL project addresses the issues of social and economic exclusion and discrimination of people with disabilities and aims to train leaders and activists with disabilities to represent and defend people with disabilities and their interests in education, the labor market and leisure at local and national levels. The project pays special attention to the development and improvement of activism, leadership, communication and new partnership building competences of leaders and promotion of communities and organizations for people with disabilities. The project organizes a leadership and mentoring program, to prepare people with disabilities to represent their interests and those of their communities. To ensure stakeholder collaboration, a discussion forum was organized. The implementation of these measures ensure the empowerment of civil society and people with disabilities in decision-making and representation in Klaipėda and Utena County.

Links: #JUST4ALL (judu365.lt)

Granted amount: 14 883,96

Implementation period: 2022-04-29 - 2023-12-31




During the execution of the project, the aim was to satisfy the need for communication and emotional support of the elderly. During the project, daily employment services for the elderly were provided in a hybrid way. The recipients of the service could participate in the activities directly and by connecting remotely. Elderly people who did not know how to use smartphones or tablets had the opportunity to learn how to use them, new skills were developed. The project's target group was taught to search for information of interest to them, follow the news, contact relatives or friends, get involved in activities organized remotely. This contributed to solving the current social problem - loneliness. The project is intended for the elderly (from 65 years old). This age group was chosen taking into account the fact that the need for communication, employment (in a person's home), and communality becomes more and more apparent when providing home assistance services to residents in the district. Most of the time, elderly people live alone, rarely communicate with their relatives, and a large number do not even have someone to call and simply talk to. The goal of the project "When the door closes, the window opens" is to provide daily employment services by contact and remote means for the elderly, focused on quality communication, improvement of emotional and mental health, and meaningful leisure time employment. Improving the accessibility of social services to residents of Mažeikiai city and district with the help of smart technologies. The project was implemented successfully, the project indicators were achieved, this was determined by the raising of an actual problem and the choice of a suitable partner for the implementation of the project.

Links:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086634123995

Granted amount: 13100,00 EUR

Implementation period: 2022-05-15 to 2023-06-30

Medium projects

Partners: Human Resources Monitoring and Development Burreu

Youth day care centre

Klaipeda district association of parents of hearing impaired children and youth "AIDAS"

Union of People with Disabilities of Molėtai Region

Granted amount: 55 800,00 Eur


Project will address the issue of discrimination and low participation in the labour market of people with disabilities. Job shadowing initiative DUOday will be organized throughout Lithuania in order to change prejudices of employers and the whole society and to empower people with disabilities to represent their interests in the world of work. During DUOday person with disability will spend all day with his/her colleague observing the work processes, trying some tasks, learning about working environment etc. At least 120 people with disabilities will join the initiative and will spend the day working and “try on” the profession in at least 90 companies and organisations. Employers and corporate employees participating in the initiative will be involved in an awareness raising campaign and encouraged to share impressions and feedback through their existing channels and media. DUOday success stories will encourage other companies and organisations to accept people with disabilities, both by joining the initiative and making decision to hire people with disabilities. The impact of the project will be reduced social exclusion of people with disabilities and better inclusion of them in the labor market.

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2021

Partners: Blessed J. Matulaitis social center

Kaunas L'arche community

Granted amount: 69 210,99 Eur 


Proposed solutions are to create new services adapting inclusion methods and means created by international l’Arche association. We will rise competencies of workers in training of social business, measuring social impact. Analyzing and systemizing the good practices the methodological mean will be created and shared with other social partners.

Self-awareness of disabled people, self-advocacy skills will be strengthened during specialized self-advocacy workshops.  We will strengthen and broaden leisure activities according individual needs and the social service of the workshop as the grants of a full-fledged life. 

 Meetings in society, local communities and educational workshops as well as information campaigns with social advertisement in Vilnius and Kaunas streets and short movies will be held.

Participants – 3 organizations, 50 adults with mental disability. Services will be done and the competencies will be raised in 24 workers and 26 volunteers.

With this project we add to the foundation goals and results:

- Enable vulnerable groups (mentally disabled adults), strengthen their inclusion, broaden their participation in taking decisions in culture, sport and work market.

- Increase public awareness on disability and create positive attitude towards their members.

Results expected:

1. The vulnerable group, 50 adults with mental disability, is enabled to self-advocacy in daily life and in community and has a high-quality leisure according one’s needs.

2. Increased public awareness on people with disability, their abilities, daily life via press publications, social media, thematic meetings in communities and educational workshops.

3. “Self-advocacy” methodology is created on the basis of good praxis and distributed to the public. 5 other social organizations get into it and raise the quality of one work.

4. Three organizations encourage inclusion of vulnerable groups, raise competency of workers and volunteers, create and improve 4 new services for mentally disabled adults, measure their social impact.

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2022

Partners: Lithuanian Psychoactive Substance Users Initiative Group

Granted amount: 68 999,75 Eur


Drug dependent people (DDP) in Lithuania have psychosocial, health problems and they are not being properly advocated in local and state levels. Due to lack co-operation between institutions and DDP, problems are not solved timely and qualitatively, DDPs‘rights are violated. All of this happens because there is no DDP community capable to advocate itself. 

Influence sphere challenges – to prepare vulnerable people to defend the interests of their community, to involve them into advocacy, to empower them and CSOs that advocate them to seek that society would understand vulnerable groups and their needs. 

Aim. To unite and empower Lithuanian DDP representatives and to prompt advocacy of their community‘s rights. 

Purposive groups of the project – DDP who have psychosocial and health issues due to their addiction, DD women and DDPs‘ relatives.

Solution of the problem and results. Purposive group leaders who participate in studies of communication, advocacy, leadership, will gain professional knowledge, will learn to express needs and rights. By taking place in movements of advocacy, DDP will get stronger as a community. By employing professionals, society will be informed about activities of the project, there will be less stigma about DDP. With help of experts, community leaders will participate in discussions with representatives of 5 local administrations, will make problems of the community public and will seek for solutions. DDP communities will prepare a joint advocacy letter to the Lithuanian institutions. They will create FB communication systems (1 private and 1 open) where they will have a discussion. DDP will be empowered and gather into community with its leadership, communication and advocacy knowledge and skills. Needs of members will be known, as well as measures of meeting those needs in local and national levels. Representatives of partners will participate in various trainings and will discuss about NGO empowerment.

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2022

Partners: Klaipėda’s City art club “Guboja”

Granted amount: 45 000,00 Eur


The need of the project based on nowadays researches, analysis of articles and data which shows that people with disabilities are the most “underestimated” group not only in the Klaipeda region, but also in Lithuania. The main challenges for disabled people and their relatives were named by Juodkaite (2017). She noticed that the problems are caused not by the disability itself, but by the barriers which people with disabilities faced.

The main purpose of the project – to empower people with disabilities and their relatives of different ages during project activities and it is closely related to the APF overall objective of empowering vulnerable groups.

Project’s target group - people with disabilities and their relatives of different ages and youth without disabilities in Klaipeda region.

Expected outcomes of the project: people with disability and their relatives who have participated in trainings, which provide information about acceptance of disability and advocacy for their rights; new (speech and language therapy) and improved (inclusive painting skills) services have been encouraged; vulnerable groups have been encouraged and awareness have been increased (educational events were organized for non-disabled people and the project team).

Outcomes of the project will be achieved by these activities: 1. Training for people with disabilities and their relatives. The goal is to empower this group of people and teach self-advocacy. 2. Events of living (dis)ability books for community without disabilities in order to develop a positive attitude towards persons with disabilities 3. Inclusive painting classes for people of all ages with and without disabilities, the purpose is to promote inclusion of people with disabilities. 4. Speech therapy for children with language or communication disabilities, parent support and training on how they can develop children's linguistic abilities to enable children communicate more effectively with others.

Implementation period: 14/10/2020 - 13/10/2021

Partners: Kedainiai Old University of the Third Age

Granted amount: 76 626,00 Eur


The project will address the lack of information regarding the implementation and inaccessibility of human rights for the elderly as one of the key factors of social exclusion of this target group.

Target group of the project: elderly people who are at high risk of social exclusion due to their age, health and economic problems, isolation, and loneliness. 

Suggested solution of the problem: improvement of the current “Sidabrinė linija” service by implementing a one-stop telephone information service for the elderly, their caregivers and relatives. With this upgrade, the free of charge “Sidabrinė linija” phone line 8 800 800 20 will be available for providing accurate and reliable information, using age-friendly methods, as well as advice on human rights implementation and other relevant aspects necessary to ensure quality of life and successful aging.

The project aims to bring about the following positive changes, which will directly contribute to the overall objectives of the ACF program - strengthening civil society and empowering vulnerable groups:

1. It is intended to involve 600 vulnerable elderly people in the project and, after increasing their access to information about implementation of human rights, empower them to exercise these rights more actively for both personal and community purposes as well as contribute to society and become more involved;

2. Improving access to relevant information will increase (1) the awareness and participation of the elderly in society, (2) the emotional safety, (3) the empowerment to cope with difficulties, (4) the overall quality of life;

3. Introducing the telephone information system for the elderly will improve the existing “Sidabrinė linija” service, which addresses the needs of vulnerable people. This will make it possible to better understand and meet the needs of vulnerable elderly people.

Implementation period: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021

Partners: Barnaheill – Save the Children Iceland 

Granted amount: 71 999,96 Eur


The aim of the project is to contribute the implementation of the amendments to the Law on the Fundamentals of the Protection of the Rights of the Child adopted in Lithuania in 2017. By prohibiting all forms of violence against children, most parents face the problem of raising children without violence. “Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting” program is based on science research and child rights perspective and is able to meet these needs of parents. Adapted for parents of different literacy and social skills, this Program aims to reduce the use of violent parenting techniques and corporal or humiliating punishment. The need of courses on parenting skills is not met in the regions due to lack of professional facilitators there. The Organization already has certified Program trainers who can prepare new facilitators. The main goal of this Project is to bring together motivated professionals and to develop a network of parent group facilitators who would be capable of qualitatively delivering the Program for parents, foster parents or guardians in different regions. Participation in the Program groups for parents, foster parents or guardians is free of charge. The Project activities focus on geographically remote regions and target vulnerable groups in order to strengthen and enable them to use non-violent discipline in their families. Thus, the coordination center will start its work in preparation of facilitators and assurance of delivery of the Program. The Center continue its work after the Project will be finished. In cooperation with the Partner, new and effective ways of preventing violence and enhancing children's self-esteem will be sought and best practices in this area shared. The project will strengthen the competencies of the staff to ensure efficient use of available resources within the Organization. The Project will also contribute to the promotion and implementation of child rights.

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2022

Partners: Lithuanian Red Cross 

Center for Equality and Diversity (Norway)

Granted amount: 59 463,49 Eur


There are more than 50 thousand immigrants and over 1400 asylum seekers in Lithuania. The number is increasing annually and thus shedding light on a growing unemployment of vulnerable groups. More than half of refugees in Lithuania remain unemployed while third country citizens struggle finding jobs in cases they were abused or mistreated in their current placement. This remains an issue even though there are approx. 20 000 vacancies for both low- and high-skilled employees in Lithuania. Together with negative perceptions towards foreigners and especially refugees, unemployment plays a critical role sparkling social tensions. It challenges countries' strategies to create prosperous societies and instead leads to more isolated communities, fosters inequality and, as a result, strengthens the already prevailing negative perceptions. 

The main goal of the project is to strengthen the socioeconomic inclusion of vulnerable groups by creating sustainable matching process (between newcomers and employers) and labour market inclusion solutions. To guarantee that the newcomers contribute to prosperous societies, project partners seek to a) develop an IT tool that would match job seeking immigrants with employers, b) hold tailor-made trainings for public sector officials and business companies about diverse and inclusive labour market, c) hold consultations for immigrant groups about their rights and opportunities to integrate into labour market, d) hold practical workshops for media representatives about ethical reporting. 

DDG would reach at least 180 people face to face (would consult at least 100 immigrants and asylum seekers, train 40 public officials, 20 private sector and 20 media representatives through tailored trainings) and another 400 by targeted communication campaign and the IT tool. By achieving that, DDG and partners will play a crucial role in empowering vulnerable groups in different regions, promote regional networking and create a long-lasting solution that would function even after the project ends.  

Implementation period: 20/10/2020 - 19/04/2022


The project "Weekend activities for persons with addiction and support for their relatives" is useful because of its flexibility in providing support to persons with addiction. The project format provides opportunities to provide services to dependents and their relatives without negatively affecting the participants' lifestyle or pace. Since the weekend classes were held only once a month, the participants do not experience discomfort due to disruptions to their rest or work regime, and their relatives feel calmer knowing that the person caring for them is spending the weekend working on their illness. This project filled a niche that was empty until now. These are dependent persons who, despite having an addiction, were still able to function in the labor market with the help of themselves or others. During the project, the experiences of relatives and negative attitudes of employers were also actively worked on. Therefore, the main problems solved are the absence of continuous weekend support classes for working addicts (in order not to distract them from the labor market), reducing the harm caused by addicts to their relatives, and the employers' denial attitude towards addicts. The goal of the project is to help people suffering from addiction to light up and enable them and their loved ones to live a fulfilling life.

The project is intended for persons suffering from addiction but still working. This group of people is particularly vulnerable because they themselves do not yet understand their problem, often deny having a problem and try to hide it or overcome it by resorting to more consumption.

During the project, groups of people with violations, motivational and weekend activities for dependent persons are enabled. Individual consultations, psychotherapy sessions for both addicts and their relatives. The classes were held for twelve months, during which there was a monthly weekend class, psychotherapeutic groups and individual consultations. Nine educational seminars, six for employers and one each for service workers, SPC, addiction counselors. A methodical publication was prepared, "Effective communication" and "Successful marketing" trainings were held.


The main result of the project is a participant who does not use or uses less, who successfully integrates into the labor market, maintains healthy or better relations with his relatives or employers. This is a person who can deal with his illness and live a full life. 19 individuals fully completed the six-month treatment program. Consulting or educational services were provided to 74 persons. 24 persons participated in the training program, a new service was created and the competencies of the institution's employees were raised.

Links: https://plsi.lt/supa/

Granted amount: 68952,19 EUR

Implementation period: 2022-08-15 to 2023-08-15

Large projects

Summary: “The Art of Curiosity: Learning Communities” aimed to develop active citizenship related skills of young people and diminish the gap between the ethnic minorities and majority groups. The relevance of the issues around exclusion and vulnerability of Lithuanian ethnic minorities is increasingly high in the context of growing geopolitical tensions in the region, which erupted as full scale war of Russia against Ukraine during the time of the project, and deep social and cultural exclusion demonstrated by a variety of research.

The project took place in 19 schools in Klaipėda, Visaginas, Šalčininkai, Vilnius and Vilnius regions and other places. 19 Students’ inquiry projects and 17 Teachers’ club annual programmes have been implemented. 441 students (of them 250 from vulnerable groups including 215 from ethnic minorities) and 223 teachers (including 60 from ethnic minorities) participated as active learners in the project. 3199 other participants (including 1280 from ethnic minorities) where engaged in learning or community development activities.

Project has strengthened competences of creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and inquiry. Culturally rich learning that often took place outside of school has widened cultural and life horizons of the participants. All groups of participants went out of school to meet new people, organizations, explore new places, develop their social networks. Quite often the projects focused on exploring the local area of the participants and supported development of their sense of belonging. Teachers learned and co-created innovative, creative, inquiry based learning methods that make an important tangible legacy of the project that is going to keep creating value beyond the project.

We, Kūrybinės jungtys”, have strengthened our own competences and sensitivity for work with the vulnerable groups, with the help of our partner artists’ group “Žuvies akis” developed our activities and community in Klaipėda and its region, which has enabled us to involve Klaipėda’s cultural organizations in our current programmes.

Links: Tyrinėjimo menas - Kūrybinės jungtys (kurybinesjungtys.lt)

Granted amount: 149 870,00

Implementation period: 2020 12 01 - 2023 11 30


During the project "Development of distance learning tools for prevention of preterm newborns” a distance learning platform was created using the latest technological solutions as an educational tool for strengthening parenting skills and mental health for families with premature newborns, involving health care workers, volunteers and applying the latest training methods adapted from foreign countries. methods. The created platform provides vital information on the daily care of premature newborns and enables future and current medical workers in hospitals throughout the region of Lithuania to receive qualified, constantly updated information. During the project, we worked with families, providing psychological and social worker consultations, organizing regional trainings; also organized training for medical specialists and volunteers. The project contributed to the strengthening of civil society and the empowerment of vulnerable groups, and promoted close cooperation with hospitals and non-governmental organizations.

Links: https://auginulietuva.lt/

Granted amount: 144070,00 EUR

Implementation period: 2020-10-20 - 2023-01-19


The objective of the project « Empowered children and families: model of prevention and intervention services” was to develop and implement a model of violence prevention and intervention services. The main target groups: children with developmental disabilities and their families; children that have experienced violence and their families; children who have a higher risk of experiencing abuse and their families; professionals providing help to children and their families; municipal communities; the general public.

Results: children and their families are more able to recognize and respond appropriately to happening violence; an innovative violence prevention program “We Are Safe” that meets the needs of children and their families has been fully developed and implemented (2035 children and adults participated in prevention program); children and families were involved in the development and implementation of the prevention and intervention model, advocacy for their rights; children and their families were provided specialized assistance because of violence (400 people received help). 

Links: www.pvc.lt

Granted amount: 126557,75 €

Implementation period: 2020-11-03 iki 2023-01-02



The project aimed to empower women affected by disability to advocates for their interests at the local policy level; increase the competencies of CSOs to respond to gender and disability intersections; improve the visibility of women with disabilities in the public discourse.

The project focused on women with disabilities or women raising children with disabilities living in Tauragė district and Panevėžys city and district. In each region, 5 meetings for women were organized to improve their knowledge about gender and disability intersection, develop leadership skills, provide mutual support. Methods encouraging reflection and personal growth were used. These meetings transformed into active women’s groups – a basis for all regional activities: 6 meetings with the wider community of women with disabilities, 2 conferences, 7 advocacy activities, including the establishment of a Council of People with Disabilities under the municipal administration. The significant impact on attitudes towards women with disabilities in regional communities was confirmed by the omnibus survey. The involvement of partners in the region was crucial in achieving such results. 

The intersection of gender and disability was presented to 133 representatives of disability and women's NGOs, promoting their cooperation. The discourse on disability was formed based on social model of disability, inclusion, data, and personal stories. It was also transformed into a question relevant to the women's rights movement. A wide range of communication channels and tools were used - 6 articles, 12 radio programs, 3 podcasts, 3 press releases, 2 outdoor posters, postcards, an accessible Feminist Guide, and almost 100 social media posts have been produced, with a combined reach of over 280,000 internet users. 

The project succeeded in encouraging the activism of women with disabilities, bringing disability to the agenda of women's rights movements, and strengthening organizations involved in the project.

Links: https://gap.lt/projektai/lyties-ir-negalios-sankirtoje-prabilti-ikvepti-iveikti/ https://gap.lt/feministinis-gidas/

Granted amount: 145888,06 EUR

Implementation period: 2020-11-03 - 2023-07-02


The project "The next small step" addressed the societal gap between more independent and socially vulnerable youngsters, who, due to a lack of skills, are excluded from full and equal participation in the community. VšĮ "A.C. Patria" and VšĮ "Futura oggi" included 570 youngsters aged 14 to 29 (450 socially vulnerable) and 75 specialists working with youth. 211 young people were involved in individual counseling, 108 went on camps and 52 were accompanied to institutions. 72 youngsters got involved in 140 their created initiatives, 5 trainings and 40 presentations. Young people were empowered to be independent, to take care of themselves, to recognize their own needs and those of their community, and to take responsibility for representing them.

Links: https://patria.lt/lt_lt/  ; Vartai Atviras Jaunimo Centras | Facebook ; https://www.facebook.com/A.C.Patria

Granted amount: 134 503, 07 Eur

Implementation period: 2020-10-19 – 2023-04-18




LGBT+ community not only face discrimina􀆟on from the outside, increased risk of abuse and fewer opportunities, but also more often suffer from stress, depression, lower self-esteem, self-destructive behaviours. However, often LGBT+ people suffer alone and do not seek for help, since it is not available or

reliable (or is seen as such). In Lithuania there is a lack of open and safe social-cultural spaces, initiatives of community empowerment.

Building upon the existing platforms and bilateral cooperation, there was a space for social-cultural LGBT+ activism developed, consisting of open and semiopen film screenings, discussions, queer readings and other events, started queer archive and social-cultural centre “išgirsti“, informational campaign. There were also some new services of emotional and informational support and psychological help created and already existing ones improved, encompassing individual and group counselling, developing of the support group for the families (mainly parents) of LGBT+, updated portal isgirsti.lt, training activities for emotional support volunteers, meetings (activities) with youth at regional schools, other outreach activities. There were additional attention paid to development and capacity building of the organisations implementing the project.

As planned, the project “Space for Community: LGBT+ Social-cultural Activism and Support” empowered LGBT+ community by developing social-cultural platform dedicated for the community and possibilities of emotional and informational support and psychological help. The main result reached: empowered vulnerable groups, specifically LGBT+ community, including not only non-heterosexual and transgender people, but also their families.

Links: https://isgirsti.lt/ 

Granted amount: 125100,00 

Implementation period: 2020-10-01 - 2023-05-28


Project “Free support for every cancer patient“ aimed to ensure empowerment of vulnerable group – cancer patients, thus improving quality of life for cancer patients, reducing financial burden, helping to develop new skills and providing information that improves health outcomes and helps to adopt to changed life situation, providing uplifting emotions and positivity, helping cancer patients to feel valued members of the society, involving people into volunteering activities.

The main target audience of the project – cancer patients – a socially vulnerable group – 100 000 people in Lithuania, whom POLA has been helping since 2013 via POLA card project. Applicant intended to empower as many cancer patients as possible to obtain free legal, psychological consultations and lifestyle recommendations, to benefit from free or discounted goods and services, to ensure that cancer patients together with caregiver could attend cultural and educational events (performances in theatre, concerts, museums, exhibitions, seminars) for free, also provides opportunities for active individuals (volunteers) and NGOs to contribute to these activities.

Throughout the project (1) 5 types of services provided to vulnerable group – cancer patients, have been improved; (2) 799 participants benefitted from individual consultations/training on how to better advocate for themselves after hearing cancer diagnosis; (3) cooperation between private and public legal entities was strengthened (discounts and free invitations are provided by 140 private enterprises and 80 cultural and educational institutions); (4) at least 32 civil society organisations cooperated to promote inclusion and education of cancer patients; (5) 80 volunteers were involved in project activities; (5) 139 persons completed training on how to provide help to vulnerable groups; (7) at least 33 000 people benefitted from the inclusion activities throughout the duration of the project.

After implementing project activities exclusion of cancer patients was reduced, their financial burden was alleviated, social skills and independence were strengthened, patients were enabled to advocate their needs and encouraged to be actively involved in their treatment process and societal activities, treatment outcomes and quality of life of cancer patients and their families were improved.

Links: https://pola.lt/pola-kortele


Granted amount: 143287,86 €

Implementation period: 2021-01-01 - 2023-01-01

Partners: Lithuanian Young Falcon Union

Roma Integration Center 

Women’s activity center of Marijampolė county

Granted amount: 101 343,31 Eur


Lithuania is one of the leading countries in the European Union in terms of the risk of social exclusion and poverty of the population. Roma community in particular stands out as a risk group that not only lives in unfavorable economic and social conditions, but also suffers negative public perceptions. There is a strong segregation of this group in the society - 63 percent of the country's population would not want to live in a Roma neighborhood. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Lithuanian Roma community, together with its partners, initiated the project I CAN, which is focused on strengthening one of the most vulnerable groups in society - the Roma.

The main goal of I CAN project is to empower Roma community by promoting their social inclusion. The aim of this project is not only to enable Roma to become more actively involved in local community activities, but also to promote the dialogue between Roma and non-Roma, thus reducing negative attitudes in society. The target group of the GALIU project is Roma living in Vilnius region (Vilnius city and Salcininkai district municipalities), Siauliai and Marijampole regions.

Over 2 years, the association Lithuanian Roma Community, in cooperation with Lithuanian Young Falcon Union, Roma Integration Center and Women‘s Activity Centre of Marijampole County  will implement Roma empowerment activities in 3 regions. During the project, Roma community will be encouraged to engage in voluntary activities, develop social business concepts and implement intercultural dialogue events that will bring Lithuanian and Roma cultures closer. The project will be carried out with the active involvement of local communities and civil society organizations. During the project, the empowerment measures will reach 300 Roma in three regions of the country, and 410 000 residents of the country will be aware of the existing issue of Roma exclusion. Four organizations working with vulnerable groups will also strengthen their capacity to increase the impact of their activities on the groups they represent.

Implementation period: 02/11/2020 - 01/11/2022


The project addresses the problem - young people experiencing social exclusion in Švenčionys r., Zarasai r. and Anykščiai r. municipalities are not fully integrated into municipal social life due to the shortage of specialists and the high employment rate of the existing ones, they are lacking in social skills, general abilities, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial skills and informal relations and cooperation with local communities. The target group of the project is socially excluded young people aged between 14 and 29: socially at-risk children up to the age of 18, members of large families, members of socially at-risk families, persons belonging to ethnic minorities, current and former children of children's social welfare homes, community-based children's care homes, special boarding schools, and families (up to the age of 29).

The project aimed to carry out social integration of socially excluded young people in Švenčionys r., Anykščiai r. and Zarasai r. municipalities, to provide social integration services in order to reduce their social exclusion, to restore favourable conditions for their development, maturation, integration into local communities, to provide assistance on their rights and other relevant information, to develop young people's social entrepreneurship skills and encourage them to realise their ideas, to integrate young people into the active life of the local communities.

The project directly responded to the general objectives of the APF programme (strengthening civil society and empowering vulnerable groups), as the project empowered a vulnerable group in the project municipalities (4 impact areas) - socially excluded young people (including young people from ethnic minorities) aged between 14 and 29 to be active and civil members of society, to exercise their rights, to join and organise in their local communities, and to develop and implement their social business ideas. 

The project included the following activities: development/recovery/maintenance of social skills in the municipalities of the target group of the project, development of general skills, development of social entrepreneurship skills, implementation of social innovations in local communities. As a result of the above-mentioned project activities, the implementation of the project in the project municipalities resulted in a decrease in the number of socially excluded young people aged 14-29, an increase in the overall political-civic activity rate of young people, an increase in the level of civic-charity and social entrepreneurship, and an increase in the number of young people participating in local community activities.

Links: Projektas „Įgalintas socialinę atskirtį patiriantis jaunimas Anykščių, Zarasų ir Švenčionių rajono savivaldybėse“ - Darnaus vystymo projektai(DVP)

Granted amount: 79 636,92

Implementation period: 2022-06-01 - 2023-12-01