67 full project proposals received in the second phase of the second call

The Active Citizens Fund’s second call for proposals has received 67 full project applications from NGOs across Lithuania.

The administrative compliance and eligibility assessment is currently ongoing. In the second half of February, the applications will be handed over to experts for quality assessment. The final results will be announced at the end of March.

Applications were submitted for projects in the APF programme’s areas of support which: aim to increase citizen participation in civic activities (Impact Area 1); strengthen civil society oversight and advocacy of public authorities (Impact Area 2); increase support for human rights (Impact Area 3); and empower vulnerable groups to represent and defend their interests (Impact Area 4).

The Active Citizens Fund includes €9.6 million from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norwegian financial mechanisms to strengthen Lithuanian civil society and empower vulnerable groups. This is the contribution of the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway to reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening bilateral relations with the 15 EU countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.


Atviros Lietuvos fondas
Didžioji g. 5, Vilnius 01128,

Tel. +370 614 02379
el. paštas: info@apf.lt

Europos ekonominės erdvės (EEE) ir Norvegijos finansiniai mechanizmai yra Islandijos Respublikos, Lichtenšteino Kunigaikštystės ir Norvegijos Karalystės indėlis mažinant ekonominius ir socialinius skirtumus bei stiprinant dvišalius santykius su 15 ES šalių Vidurio ir Pietryčių Europoje bei Baltijos šalyse. 2019 – 2024 m. Lietuvoje veikia EEE finansinio mechanizmo finansuojamas Aktyvių piliečių fondas, pilietinei visuomenei Lietuvoje stiprinti ir pažeidžiamoms grupėms įgalinti skiriantis 9 mln. eurų.

Fondą administruoja